Adjunct EMDR Therapy

In California, Georgia, & Florida

Adjunct EMDR Therapy to help women break through blocks in therapy when underlying trauma gets in the way. 

You have been doing good work in therapy, but you have realized you keep coming back to the same problems.

  • … has been going to therapy and has been seeing progress, but you have realized that you don’t fully feel the changes you are making. You keep getting stuck despite all the work you have been putting in, which has left you tired and frustrated.

    Talking through things isn’t creating the shifts it normally does and you are worried you may have to start the difficult task of looking for a new therapist again.

  • … feels like you have been spinning your wheels to help your client move forward. They started out as a “good fit” client in your niche, but you have realized there are underlying trauma wounds impacting your work together.

    You have done all the things to help your client- training, read books, and consulted- but you still don’t feel that deep trauma work is within your scope of competence.

    You know that your client has not fully addressed what brought them to you, but you realize it will be difficult to move forward without addressing the trauma first.

You don’t have to sacrifice the healing, therapeutic relationship you have worked so hard to establish. 

Adjunct EMDR therapy can help clients bridge the gap and help clients continue to make progress with their primary therapist when they feel stuck. Adjunct therapy can help a client feel better, identify and challenge problem narratives, and create lasting change by adding to the support received from their primary therapist.

Adjunct EMDR therapy allows a client to maintain the relationship with their therapist, while participating in the deep, healing work of EMDR therapy.

Our work together will supplement the work with a client’s primary therapist- not replace it. The relationship a client has established with their primary therapist is special and it will lay the foundation for our Adjunct EMDR Therapy experience.

Adjunct EMDR Therapy allows clients to work towards their goals with the support of a specialized treatment team.

I will collaborate with the client and the primary therapist to target specific situations, beliefs, or blocks that are impacting their therapeutic work. There is power in numbers and each part of our treatment team will play a special role in helping the client heal.

The primary therapist has a specific role in their client’s journey that shouldn’t be replaced. My work with the client can focus on healing those deep wounds that are negatively impacting their life, relationships, and the work with their primary therapist. This allows a client and their primary therapist to continue their work together simply by adding adjunct therapy. 

Neither one of you has to feel pressured to choose between the restorative relationship you have already established and being able to dig deeper with EMDR Therapy. As the primary therapist you are able to confidently treat concerns within your scope of genius; while a client can truly have the best of both worlds when it comes to transforming their life and relationships.  

Adjunct EMDR Therapy can help clients:

  • Resolve painful childhood experiences.

  • Identify and overcome problem thought patterns.

  • Learn to trust your inner voice and stand firm in your truth.

  • Learn how to show up authentically in your life and relationships without feeling guilty.

  • Increase your insight into impactful moments in your life.

  • Solidify the changes and growth you are making with your primary therapist.

Everyone wins when we work collaboratively and create space for a well rounded approach to healing.

What does the Adjunct EMDR Therapy process look like?

  • Schedule a free 20-minute consultation here to discuss how adding EMDR can deepen client’s growth and help them move past stuck points. If we are a good fit, we will discuss the collaboration process and scheduling.

  • I will collaborate with the client and the primary therapist to identify, address, and resolve the things impacting the client’s progress with the primary therapist.

  • The client will utilize the skills they have learned, experience lasting growth and change, and continue the impactful work with their primary therapist after our work is done.

Adjunct EMDR Therapy Options

  • EMDR Intensive Therapy

    90-minute pre-intensive interview, 60-minute preparation session, 3 hours of intensive EMDR therapy from one to three days to help clients feel better faster, and a post-intensive session.

  • 10-12 Weekly Sessions

    90-minute weekly sessions to help clients jump start their healing journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, I do! I love helping women overcome…

    • Preverbal trauma

    • Early trauma and neglect

    • Ongoing traumatic stress

    • Trauma within family or origin

    • Relational Trauma

    • Anxiety/Perfectionism

    • Race and culture based trauma

  • Adjunct therapy works best with collaboration. When you, your primary therapist, and I are focused on supporting the same goals it reduces confusion. There is nothing worse than being pulled in multiple directions, while not knowing what path to take.

  • Definitely not! I will collaborate with you not steal your clients.

    We cannot expect ourselves to be experts at treating everything. Adjunct therapy is the solution to this. We can both do our best clinical work with our clients when we are working within our scope of genius. I respect the work that you do and my role is supplementary. My goal is to help resolve the underlying trauma or blocks that are impacting the great work you are doing with your client.

  • You, your primary therapist, and I will collaborate to determine the specific things to target with EMDR. Generally, Adjunct EMDR Therapy tends to be brief because of its specific, targeted focus. I have found that 10 to 12 weekly sessions or 1-3 intensive sessions can help enhance the therapeutic work with your primary therapist. We will collaborate and determine which approach will be most beneficial to you.

  • Visit my EMDR Intensives pages by clicking here to learn more about how intensives can fast-track your healing.

  • I’m glad you are ready to start this journey! Fill out the connection form here so we can schedule your free 20-minute consultation. I would love to discuss the possibility of becoming part of your treatment team.

Together we can create a space for deep, transformational change.